George Michael Long Hair Tips

No layers, no bangs.

No need to cut everything all at once. But don’t keep cutting your hair in layers or bangs.

We know how to treat and trim to maintain as much length while your hair is growing.

Your body always will maintain balance and equilibrium and will try itself to maintain one length hair.

This causes unnecessary hair losses that contribute to other hair losses we go through in life, like stress, hormones, nutritional deficiencies, and medications.

Remember, one length hair is the thickest hair you can naturally achieve. It’s all you, your color, your length and your individual look.

Right side part is best

A middle part exposes the weakest part of your scalp, the top crown. This area of hair follicles grows upward, against gravity and fighting pollution and buildup. We’ve always recommended wearing the hair parted from right to left. The hair grows the opposite, for most people. This is a weak growth pattern that can be offset by wearing the part on the right side. This parting will help the hair grow against the natural weak growth and help strengthen the hairline as well. It will add extra protection and create more fullness in the front. It also helps this area grow stronger and faster too. And is a much softer look than the symmetrical look of a middle part.

Trim your hair every two months

This allows for one inch of normal growth and a GM stylist has been trained to trim only the minimum necessary so you’ll start getting some growth. When you are trying to get your hair to grow, it might be best to pair this with a GMLH Treatment & Trim for optimum results. The GMLH is a moisturizing hair treatment. It repairs and moisturizes the entire length so we can trim much less!

Longer hair may need less frequent maintenance.

Wide-tooth hand finished Comb

Your comb is your MAIN detangling tool. We recommend it to be smooth, wide-tooth and hand finished. 

Never brush out tangles wet or dry. Use your comb to detangle your hair starting from the ends and working your way up. Comb smaller sections if necessary. Don’t rush and don’t pull. Best to detangle after you’ve applied the GMLH Cream Rinse in the shower, comb through and then rinse. For other detangling techniques please call your GM Long Hair Technician. Check the selection at the GMLH website store for our recommendations.


Use a natural bristle brush on a flat wooden base. This kind of brush helps to distribute your natural oils from your scalp to the ends of your hair. It helps keep your scalp clean from oil buildup and impurities. Natural bristle absorbs your oils and releases them to your ends. Start at the nape of the neck and brush forward and down. Follow the brush with your free hand to prevent static and to prevent breakage. Curly hair can wait to brush on the day they wash.

GMLH recommends the brushes for their quality and longevity.

Eliminate Blow Drying, Heating Implements, and Chemicals

Continuous use of excessive heat will cause damage to the ends and the cuticle layer of your hair, eventually causing breakage and split ends. Even using these just once can alter your hair’s condition dramatically and irreversibly. At the George Michael Long Hair Salon, we take care of your hair differently than any other salon you’ve visited. We teach you how to better care for your hair at home. We roller set hair in smooth rollers and gently dry the hair under a medium heated hair dryer. Check in with your GMLH Stylist for an individual consult on the best way to dry and style your hair.

( Video consultation available at GMLH website store)

Nutritional and Hormonal balance is necessary for optimum hair growth.

As well as stress reduction techniques. Your hair is a barometer to your health…pay attention to your body, take care of yourself and your hair will respond accordingly. Hair always grows, but depending on your health, genetics and your hormonal stage at the time your hair is in a growth cycle, will determine how long it will stay strong to reach the desired length. Reach out to your GMLH Technician for more details on hormone balance and individualized vitamin regimens.

The George Michael Long Hair System helps you find your happy hair place!

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